About Our Church

Unity In The Body of Christ

Our Beliefs & Values

The Bible

The Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit, infallible and revealed to man by Yahweh. 1Peter 1:20-21


There is only one Yahweh. Yahweh is Omnipresence, Omnipotent, and Omniscient. Creator of heaven and earth, He is the Father of all Creation.

Yahshua Messiah

Yahshua is the Son of Yahweh. Mankind can receive salvation and deliverance from sin through Yahshua Messiah. Yahshua Messiah will return.


Man is born unregenerated due to Adam’s sin of disobedience. Therefore all humanity became sinners. Therefore all humanity must be born again by faith in Yahshua Messiah and receive forgiveness of sin and eternal life.

Preach and Teach in Yahshua Name

The water baptism and repentance for remission of sin is to be preached in Yahshua name. (Luke 24:47)

The Baptism of The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is given to all believers who ask. (Acts 2:38-39)

Heaven and Heavens

Heaven is the place where all those who have accepted Yashua Messiah as their Lord and Saviour will go.


Satan is a deciever of mankind and opposses everything concerning Yahweh and Yahshua Messiah. He desires that humanity serves and worships him.

Lake of Fire

The lake of fire is the place where those who have not accepted Yahshua as their Lord and personal Savior will go. 

Apostolic Ministry

The foundation is built on the Apostles and Prophets; Yahshua Messiah being the cornerstone. The five fold ascension gifts are the governing gifts for the church where by apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers are to equip and train the church for the work of the ministry. All these gifts are needed in order to help fulfill Yahweh’s purpose. 

Tensley and Charlene

Tensley and Charlene


Tensley and Charlene has worked in ministry together for over 20 as partners. They both are extremely passionate.
about “family” as how it relates to the Word of Yahweh. Submitting to each other for the perfection (maturity) of establishing a godly family model here on earth it is their desires to depict as an example of Yahweh’s (LOVE) through His Son Yahshua Messiah.

They both are committed to empowering and developing all humanity. Yahweh has anointed them with His Spirit to fulfill His purpose. They are excited about the advancement of Yahweh’s Kingdom here on earth as it is in Heaven, being an impacted-on believers and nonbelievers alike.

Their deepest desire is that those who come to The Priesthood will turn their lives to Yashua Messiah and receive His as their Lord and only Savior!

Tensley and Charlene believe there is deliverance for the {Total Man}, spirit, soul, and body 1 Thessalonians 5:23.

They have 2 beautiful daughters who they love and cherish.